Array to Image (lexi.array_to_image)

lexi_xray.lexi.array_to_image(input_array=None, key=None, x_range=None, y_range=None, x_lim=None, y_lim=None, start_time=None, stop_time=None, ra_res=None, dec_res=None, time_integrate=None, cmap=None, cmin=None, v_min=None, v_max=None, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm, norm_type='log', aspect='equal', figure_title=None, show_colorbar=True, cbar_label=None, cbar_orientation='vertical', show_axes=True, display=False, figure_size=None, figure_format='png', figure_font_size=12, save=False, save_path=None, save_name=None, dpi=300, dark_mode=False, verbose=False, display_time=False)[source]

Convert a 2D array to an image.


ra_resfloat, optional

Right ascension resolution in degrees. Default is None.

dec_resfloat, optional

Declination resolution in degrees. Default is None.

time_integrateint or float, optional

Integration time in seconds. Default is None.


2D array to convert to an image.

x_rangelist, optional

Range of the x-axis. Default is None.

y_rangelist, optional

Range of the y-axis. Default is None.

x_limlist, optional

Limits of the x-axis. Default is None.

y_limlist, optional

Limits of the y-axis. Default is None.

v_minfloat, optional

Minimum value of the colorbar. If None, then the minimum value of the input array is used. Default is None.

v_maxfloat, optional

Maximum value of the colorbar. If None, then the maximum value of the input array is used. Default is None.

cmapstr, optional

Colormap to use. By default, based on the key being plotted it is set to the following: - exposure_maps: ‘cividis’ - sky_backgrounds: ‘inferno’ - lexi_images: ‘plasma’ - something else: ‘viridis’ Default is ‘viridis’. Other options include ‘plasma’, ‘inferno’, ‘magma’, ‘cividis’. See for more options.

normmpl.colors.Normalize, optional

Normalization to use for the colorbar colors. Default is None.

norm_typestr, optional

Normalization type to use. Options are ‘linear’ or ‘log’. Default is ‘linear’.

aspectstr, optional

Aspect ratio to use. Default is ‘equal’.

figure_titlestr, optional

Title of the figure. Default is None.

show_colorbarbool, optional

If True, then show the colorbar. Default is True.

cbar_labelstr, optional

Label of the colorbar. Default is None.

cbar_orientationstr, optional

Orientation of the colorbar. Options are ‘vertical’ or ‘horizontal’. Default is ‘vertical’.

show_axesbool, optional

If True, then show the axes. Default is True.

displaybool, optional

If True, then display the figure. Default is False.

figure_sizetuple, optional

Size of the figure. Default is None.

figure_formatstr, optional

Format of the figure. Default is ‘png’.

figure_font_sizefloat, optional

Font size of the figure. Default is 12.

savebool, optional

If True, then save the figure. Default is False.

save_pathstr, optional

Path to save the figure to. Default is None.

save_namestr, optional

Name of the figure to save. Default is None.

display_timebool, optional

Display the start and end time of the image. Default is False.



Figure object.


Axes object.